Creative Region
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date: 2011
type: corporate design
material: print, TV-spot
design: Thomas Feichtner
client: Creative Region Linz & Upper Austia

One logo for all – All logos for one. The two-liner from the famous story of The Three Musketeers stands for an entire design concept commissioned by the CREATIVE REGION to the Upper Austrian designer Thomas Feichtner. His corporate design concept is easily explained: not a single creative individual decides the logo that stands for all. 

Rather, the region’s creative community is invited to designed different logo for the CREATIVE REGION. The logo is not just a representation of creativity. It is an actual facet of the creative community and manifests the creative potential of the region. The logo itself is „creative.“ Regular change is intended to ensure high levels of recognition, to surprise and to spur curiosity repeatedly. Artists, graphic designers, architects, musicians, dancers and philosophers are among those professionals individually asked to create a logo.

There are no design limitations. The outline – based on the geographic boundaries of the State of Upper Austria – is the only set requirement.