Pixel Hotel 08
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date: 2009
type: hotel room
size: 90m2
design: Thomas and Simone Feichtner
producer: Linz09 GmbH, Pixel Hotel GmbH, Austria

The Pixel Hotel is an architecture project for Linz09 based on an idea of the young architects Sabine Funk, Michael Grugl, Jürgen Haller, Christian H. Leeb, Richard Steger and Christoph Weidinger. Individual rooms located throughout the city of Linz were adapted as hotel rooms for the year as Capital of Culture. Each of the hotel rooms - six to date - has a different design. Thomas Feichtner designed the Hirschgasse 17 Pixel, which is located on the premises of a Gallery in downtown Linz. The furniture designed for this purpose should not be seen as fixtures but as individual showpieces, and they should be used. The walls of the gallery display the artwork and pictures by Thomas Feichtner.